Wednesday, 14 October 2009

5 Traits of the New Creative Leader ::

OCTOBER 14, 2009
5 Traits of the New Creative Leader
Yesterday's leadership skills will not work in today's fast-moving and evolving world. Only creative leaders who are visionary and empathetic will succeed. Here are five things you can do to succeed as a creative leader:
  1. Instead of commanding, coach your team and organization toward success.
  2. Don't manage people, empower them. The know-how, experience, and solutions are often out there; it's a matter of helping people discover them.
  3. Cultivate respect by giving it, instead of demanding it.
  4. Know how to manage both success and failure.
  5. Show graciousness in your management rather than greediness. Be humble about your successes and whenever possible, give someone else the opportunity to shine.
Harvard Business Review Blog Today's Management Tip was adapted from "Why Are Creative Leaders So Rare?" by Navi Radjou.

Always useful